Inspecting results


  1. First time run: make jar.
  2. Run Goblint with additional --html argument.
  3. Run python3 -m http.server --directory result 8080 or npx http-server -c-1 result.
  4. Inspect results at http://localhost:8080/index.xml.

Modern browsers' security settings forbid some file access which is necessary for g2html to work, hence the need for serving the results via Python's http.server (or similar).


For the initial setup:

  1. Install Node.js (preferably ≥ 12.0.0) and npm (≥ 5.2.0)
  2. Run make setup_gobview in the analyzer directory

To build GobView (also for development):

  1. Run make view in the analyzer directory to build the web UI
  2. The executable goblint_http.exe takes the analyzer directory and additional Goblint configurations such as the files to be analyzed as parameters. Run it e.g. with the following command:\ ./goblint_http.exe tests/regression/00-sanity/01-assert.c
  3. Visit http://localhost:8080




  1. Open (Ctrl+o) witness.graphml from Goblint root directory.
  2. Click menu "Edit" → "Properties Mapper".
    1. First time: Click button "Imports additional configurations" and open scripts/sv-comp/yed-sv-comp.cnfx.
    2. Select "SV-COMP (Node)" and click "Apply".
    3. Select "SV-COMP (Edge)" and click "Ok".
  3. Click menu "Layout" → "Hierarchial" (Alt+shift+h).
    1. First time: Click tab "Labeling", select "Hierarchic" in "Edge Labeling".
    2. Click "Ok".

yEd manual for the Properties Mapper: