ESOP '23 Artifact Description

This is the artifact description for our ESOP '23 paper "Clustered Relational Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation with Local Traces". The artifact is available from Zenodo at The md5 of the .ova file is e1ea120a70ed0ee4b7344527de68307c. The associated source code can conveniently be browsed at:

The artifact is a VirtualBox Image based on Ubuntu 22.04.1. The login is goblint:goblint.

For convenience this file is also included in the VM (at ~/analyzer/docs/artifact-descriptions/ in order to be able to copy commands.

The current version of Goblint no longer ships with all the convenience scripts described here. We recommend using the frozen version in the artifact. Alternatively, you may use the corresponding versions of Goblint ( and the benchmarks repository (

Getting Started Guide

  • Install VirtualBox (e.g. from
  • Import the VM via File -> Import Appliance (requires ~25GB of free memory)
  • Start the VM and (if prompted) login as goblint with password goblint
  • If you use a Non-English keyboard layout, you can change the keyboard layout in the top right corner to match yours.
  • Navigate to the folder ~/analyzer. All paths are given relative to it.
  • Run the following commands to verify the installation works as intended
    • ./scripts/ (will take ~1min)
      • Internally, this will run a few internal regression tests (you can open the script to see which). These exercise the major parts of the system.
      • After the command has run, there should be some messages No errors :) as well as some messages Excellent: ignored check on ... now passing!
        Detailed expected message Excellent: ignored check on tests/regression/01-cpa/33-asserts.c:35 is now passing! Excellent: ignored check on tests/regression/28-race_reach/22-deref_read_racefree.c:20 is now passing! No errors :) No errors :) Excellent: ignored check on 21-traces-cluster-based.c:48 is now passing! Excellent: ignored check on 21-traces-cluster-based.c:66 is now passing! Excellent: ignored check on 21-traces-cluster-based.c:69 is now passing! Excellent: ignored check on 22-traces-write-centered-vs-meet-mutex.c:25 is now passing! Excellent: ignored check on 42-threadenter-arg.c:6 is now passing! No errors :) No errors :) No errors :)

Step-by-Step Instructions

The following are step-by-step instructions to reproduce the experimental results underlying the paper. Depending on the host machine, the run times will be slightly different from what is reported in the paper, but they should behave the same way relative to each other. The runtimes given here are based on runtimes we had in the VM on a host system with an 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz with 32GB of RAM with some generous upwards rounding. Apart from these small runtime deviations which are to be expected, all claims in the paper are reproducible and supported by the artifact.

Important note: We based our implementation on our previous work on Goblint, but also compare with Goblint in the non-relational setting from our previous SAS paper. This previous version is referred to as "Goblint w/ Interval"

As a first step, navigate to the folder ~/analyzer. All paths are given relative to it.

Claims in Paragraph "Internal comparison" (p.23)

All these claims derive from Fig. 13 (a) and 13 (b). The data underlying these tables is produced by running:

  1. Run the script ../bench/esop23_fig13.rb. This takes ~25min (see note below). The runs for ypbind will fail (see below).
  2. Open the results HTML ../bench/esop23_fig13/index.html.

    • The configurations are named the same as in the paper (with the exception that the Interval configuration from the paper is named box in the table, and Clusters is named cluster12).
    • As noted in appendix I.1, we had to exclude ypbind from the benchmarks, as it spawns a thread from an unknown pointer which the analysis can not handle
    • As dumping the precision information incurs a significant performance penalty, each configuration is run twice: Once to measure runtime and once with the post-processing that marshals the internal data structures to disk.


  • The source code for benchmarks can be found in ../bench/pthread/ and ../bench/svcomp/.
  • Although it takes ~25 min to run all the benchmarks, the script continually updates the results HTML. Therefore it's possible to observe the first results in the partially-filled table without having to wait for the script to finish (if that shows you a blank, try waiting a while and refreshing).

All other claims in Section 9

All these claims are based on the contents of Table 2. Table 3 in the supplementary material gives details on the results for the Goblint set.

Reproducing the tables for our tool & Goblint w/ Interval

To generate the tables for all sets, run ./scripts/ (will take ~20 min).

This will produce one HTML file with results per group:

Set HTML-File
Our ../bench/esop23_table2_set_our/index.html
Goblint ../bench/esop23_table2_set_goblint/index.html
Watts ../bench/esop23_table2_set_watts/index.html
Ratcop ../bench/esop23_table2_set_ratcop/index.html

How to interpret the results tables: - The configurations are named the same as in the paper (with the exception that the Interval configuration from the paper is named box in the table, and Clusters is named cluster12). - The results table shows for each test the total numbers of asserts and how many could be proven: - If all are proven, the cell shows a checkmark - If none are proven, the cell shows a cross - If only some are proven, the cell shows both numbers

For the Set "Watts": - For a detailed discussion on these benchmarks, see Appendix I.2 of the paper. - As opposed to the other scripts, this one also prints run-times as these are needed to also verify Table 4 in the supplementary material.

Note: To regenerate just some of the results: Invoke one of ../bench/esop23_table2_set_{our,goblint,watts,ratcop}.rb.

Reproducing Duet numbers

This artifact ships Duet (at commit 5ea68373bb8c8cff2a9b3a84785b12746e739cee) with a bug fix (courtesy of its original author Zach Kincaid) allowing it to run successfully on some of the benchmarks. For others, it still reported a number of reachable asserts that is too low. We only give the instructions to reproduce the successful runs here. For a detailed discussion see Apppendix I.3.

To generate the CSV file for all sets, invoke ./scripts/ (runs about 2mins).

  • The output is the complete output for Duet, which can be quite verbose.
  • Outputs Error: NN indicate that NN asserts could not be proven by Duet and are not indicative of bigger issues. Also, for some runs Duet will crash with an exception from
Set HTML-File
Our ../bench/traces-relational-duet-ours.csv
Goblint -
Watts ../bench/traces-relational-duet-watts.csv
Ratcop ../bench/traces-relational-duet-ratcop.csv

These files contain for the tests on which Duet did not crash the number of verified assertions, followed by the number of failed assertions.

Note: To regenerate just some of the results: Invoke one of python3 ../bench/duet-{ours,goblint,watts,ratcop}.py.

Additional Information

Outline of how the code is structured

Lastly, we give a general outline of how code in the Goblint framework is organized: The source code is in the directory ./src, where the subdirectories are structured as follows:

The most relevant directories are:

  • ./src/solvers: Different fix-point solvers that can be used by Goblint (default is TD3)
  • ./src/domains: Various generic abstract domains: Sets, Maps, ...
  • ./src/cdomains: Abstract domains for C programs (e.g. Integers, Addresses, ...)
  • ./src/analyses: Different analyses supported by Goblint
  • ./src/framework: The code of the analysis framework

Other, not directly relevant, directories:

  • ./src/extract: Related to extracting Promela models from C code
  • ./src/incremental: Related to Incremental Analysis
  • ./src/spec: Related to parsing Specifications for an automata-based analysis of liveness properties
  • ./src/transform: Specify transformations to run based on the analysis results
  • ./src/util: Various utility modules
  • ./src/witness: Related to witness generation