

Instead of debug printing directly to stdout, all logging should be done using the Logs module. This allows for consistent pretty terminal output, as well as avoiding interference with server mode. There are five logging levels: result, error, warning, info and debug. Log output is controlled by the dbg.level option, which defaults to "info".

Logs are written to stderr, except for result level, which go to stdout by default.

Goblint extensively uses CIL's Pretty module for output due to many non-primitive values.

  • Logging CIL values (e.g. an expression exp) using the corresponding pretty-printer d_exp from Cil module:
Logs.debug "A CIL exp: %a" d_exp exp;
  • Logging Goblint's Printable values (e.g. a domain D element d) using the corresponding pretty-printer D.pretty:
Logs.debug "A domain element: %a" D.pretty d;
  • Logging primitives (e.g. OCaml ints, strings, etc) using the standard OCaml Printf specifiers:
Logs.debug "An int and a string: %d %s" 42 "magic";
  • Logging lists of pretty-printables (e.g. expressions list exps) using d_list:
Logs.debug "Some expressions: %a" (d_list ", " d_exp) exps;


Tracing is a nicer alternative to some logging, because it can be disabled for best performance and it can be used to only see relevant tracing output.

Recompile with tracing enabled: ./scripts/

Instead of logging use a tracing function from the Messages module, which is often aliased to just M (and pick a relevant name instead of mything):

if M.tracing then M.trace "mything" "A domain element: %a" D.pretty d;

Then run Goblint with the additional argument --trace mything. If the traced code runs often, it's best to pipe Goblint's output to a file.

Other tracing functions are available:

  • M.tracel also includes the analysed program location.
  • M.tracei and M.traceu can be used to indend and unindent tracing output.

Running Goblint in a Debugger

Building a Debuggable Goblint Executable

To build a Goblint executable with debug information, run the following command within the analyzer directory.

make byte

This will create a file called goblint.byte.

Debugging Goblint with VS Code

To debug OCaml programs, you can use the command line interface of ocamldebug or make use of the Visual Studio Code integration provided by ocamllabs.ocaml-platform. In the following, we describe the steps necessary to set up this VS Code extension to debug Goblint.

Setting-up Earlybird

Install the ocamllabs.ocaml-platform extension in your installation of Visual Studio Code. To be able to use this extension, you additionally need to install earlybird on the opam switch you use for Goblint. To do so, run the following command in the analyzer directory:

opam install earlybird

Providing a Launch Configuration

To let the ocamllabs.ocaml-platform extension know which executable it should debug, and which arguments it should pass, we have to provide a configuration file. The configuration file has to be named launch.json and must reside in the ./.vscode directory. Here is an example launch.json:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
        "name": "Goblint",
        "type": "ocaml.earlybird",
        "request": "launch",
        "program": "${workspaceFolder}/goblint.byte",
        "arguments": [
          "--enable", "",
        "env": {
          "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:_build/default/src/common"
        "stopOnEntry": false,

Note that the individual arguments to Goblint should be passed here as separate strings that do not contain spaces. Finally, to enable breakpoints uncomment (map_workspace_root false) in the dune-project file.

Running Goblint in the VS Code Debugger

To make sure that VS Code can find ocamlearlybird, run the following commands in the analyzer directory:

eval $(opam env) // Sets up envrionment variables
code .           // Starts VS Code in the current directory

After VS Code has started, you can set breakpoints in the Goblint code. You can start debugging using the VS Code command palette with the command "Debug: Start Debugging", or alternatively by pressing F5. Note that the Goblint execution is considerably slowed down in the debugger, so you have to be somewhat patient. Of course, don't forget to rebuild the debuggable executable if you make changes to the code!

Debugging Issues with Larger Programs

Sometimes during development one may encounter instances where, e.g., the verifying phase reports that the fixpoint is not reached. This is usually due to bugs in join, widen or leq. For small programs, one can find the cause by inspecting the program and the output carefully. If the issue happens only with large programs it is hard to understand.

To work on such cases, it makes sense to reduce the program to a small example program that still triggers the same issue. This can either be done by hand or using creduce. creduce takes two inputs: a script that terminates with status 0 if the reduced program is still interesting, and the original program.

In the case of looking for issues with fixpoints not being found, such a script may e.g. be given by:

~/path/to/goblint input.c -v &> out.txt
if [ $? -eq 3 ]; then
    grep Fixpoint out.txt >/dev/null 2>&1
    exit 5

Note that Goblint exits with status 3 if the verifier fails.

Some more sophisticated scripts can be found in the folder ./scripts/creduce.

creduce --timeout 900 input.c

where timeout is set to a reasonable time in which Goblint terminates on the input program. This may run for several hours/days, so it makes sense to start it on a server. It may also be helpful to set --n <N> where N is the number of cores to use to get a considerable speedup.