
The message system in Messages module should be used for outputting all analysis results of the program to the user, instead of printing them directly to stdout. This allows for consistent pretty terminal output, as well as export to Goblint result viewers and IDEs. For other kinds of (debug) output, see Debugging.

Message structure

A message consists of the following:

  1. Severity. One of: error, warning, info, debug, success.
  2. Tags. A list of tags (including multiple of the same kind):
    • Category. One of possibly-nested variants defined in MessageCategory module.
    • CWE. With a Common Weakness Enumeration number.
  3. Content. One of the following:
    • Single. Contains the following:
      1. Text.
      2. Location. Optional.
      3. Context. Optional. Currently completely abstract, so not very useful.
    • Group. For messages related to numerous locations with different texts. Contains the following:
      1. Group text. An overall description of the group message.
      2. Group location. Optional. An overall location of the group message.
      3. Pieces. A list of single messages as described above.



In OCaml code, messages can be created using convenience functions in Messages. For example:

Messages.warn "Text";
Messages.debug "Text"; (* severity functions *)
Messages.warn "Text %s %d %a" "foo" 42 Cil.d_exp exp; (* Pretty format *)
Messages.warn ~category:Analyzer "Text"; (* category *)
Messages.warn ~category:Messages.Category.Integer.overflow "Text"; (* category via helper *)
Messages.warn ~category:Messages.Category.Integer.overflow ~tags:[CWE 190] "Text"; (* extra tags *)
Messages.warn ~loc:otherloc "Text"; (* non-current location *)
Messages.warn_noloc "Text"; (* no location *)

The ~category argument is optional and defaults to Unknown, but all newly added messages should have non-unknown category. New categories should be defined if necessary. The Messages.Category. prefix is only necessary when using nested definitions from helper modules.

The ~tags argument is optional and allows an arbitrary list of tags (including multiple different categories). The ~category argument is simply for convenience to add one category tag.

The ~loc argument is optional and defaults to the current location, but allows messages at a non-current location.

The _noloc suffixed functions allow general messages without any location (not even current).

By convention, may-warnings (the usual case) should use warning severity and must-warnings should use error severity.