

  • Run all tests with: make test or dune runtest.

    This runs all regression tests, cram tests, incremental tests and unit tests.

Regression tests

Regression tests are small programs that can be used to quickly verify that existing functionality hasn't been broken. They can be found in ./tests/regression/. Options that should be passed to Goblint when executing a regression test are specified in the test file using a single line comment starting with //PARAM:.


Regression tests can be run with various granularity:

  • Run all (non-Apron) regression tests with: ./scripts/update_suite.rb.
  • Run all Apron tests with: dune build @runaprontest.
  • Run a group of tests with: ./scripts/update_suite.rb group sanity.

    Unfortunately this also runs skipped tests. This is a bug that is used as a feature in the tests with Apron, as not all CI jobs have the Apron library installed.

  • Run a single test with: ./scripts/update_suite.rb assert.

  • Run a single test with full output: ./regtest.sh 00 01.

    Additional options are also passed to Goblint.

To pass additional options to Goblint with update_suite.rb, use the gobopt environment variable, e.g.:

gobopt='--set ana.base.privatization write+lock' ./scripts/update_suite.rb


Regression tests use single-line comments (with //) as annotations.

First line

A comment on the first line can contain the following:

Annotation Comment
(NB! space)
The following command line parameters are added to Goblint for this test.
SKIP The test is skipped (except when run with ./scripts/update_suite.rb group).
NOMARSHAL Marshaling and unmarshaling of results is not tested on this program.

End of line

Comments at the end of other lines indicate the behavior on that line:

Annotation Expected Goblint result Concrete semantics Checks
or nothing
Assertion succeeds Assertion always succeeds Precision
FAIL Assertion fails Assertion always fails Precision
UNKNOWN! Assertion is unknown Assertion may both
succeed or fail
UNKNOWN Assertion is unknown Intended imprecision
Assertion is unknown
or succeeds
Assertion always succeeds Precision improvement
NORACE No race warning No data race Precision
RACE! Race warning Data race is possible Soundness
RACE Race warning Intended imprecision
NODEADLOCK No deadlock warning No deadlock Precision
DEADLOCK Deadlock warning Deadlock is possible Soundness
NOWARN No warning Precision
WARN Some warning Soundness


Other useful constructs are the following:

Code with annotation Comment
__goblint_check(1); // reachable Checks that the line is reachable according
to Goblint results (soundness).
__goblint_check(0); // NOWARN (unreachable) Checks that the line is unreachable (precision).


Comments at the end of lines can also indicate metaproperties:

Annotation Expected result/comment
NOCRASH No analyzer crash
FIXPOINT No fixpoint error
NOTIMEOUT Analyer terminates
CRAM Automatic checks are only in corresponding Cram test

These comments only document the intention of the test (if there are no other checks in the test). Analyzer crash, fixpoint error and non-termination are checked even when there are other checks.

Cram Tests

Cram-style tests are also used to verify that existing functionality hasn't been broken. They check the complete standard output of running the Goblint binary with specified command-line arguments. Unlike regular regression tests, cram tests are not limited to testing annotations in C code. They can be used to test arbitrary output from Goblint, such as program transformations.

Cram tests are located next to regression tests in ./tests/regression/.


Cram tests can be run with various granularity:

  • Run all cram tests with: dune build @runcramtest.
  • Run cram tests in directory (e.g. 00-sanity) with:

    dune build @tests/regression/00-sanity/runcramtest.

  • Run a single cram test (e.g. 01-assert.t) with:

    dune build @tests/regression/00-sanity/01-assert.

    Pass the file name without the .t extension and with a leading @ to dune build.


Create new cram tests in a subdirectory of tests/regression with the extension .t. The basic syntax of a cram test is as follows:

Anything not indented by two spaces is a comment.
  $ goblint <options...> file.c  # This command gets run in a shell.
  <This is the expected output of running the command.>

A dune file in the subdirectory must declare dependencies on other files, e.g. C files for goblint. For example, to declare a dependency on all C and JSON files in the directory, use the deps stanza with glob_files:

 (deps (glob_files *.c) (glob_files *.json)))

The Dune documentation on file tests contains more details.

Promoting Changes

When Goblint's output is intentionally changed by code changes, cram tests will fail. After checking that the changes to Goblint's output shown in failing cram tests are as expected, you must update those tests. Dune can automatically update cram test files, i.e. promote the changes.

First, run the offending test as above. Once the new output is correct:

  • dune promote promotes the changes for all files.
  • dune promote <path...> promotes the changes for the specified files and directories.

Incremental tests

The incremental tests are regression tests that are first run with the option incremental.save and then again incrementally (activating the option incremental.load) with some changes to the program or refinements in the configuration. The respective asserts and expected results are checked in both runs.


Incremental tests can be run with various granularity:

  • Run all incremental tests with: dune runtest tests/incremental.
  • Run incremental tests using AST change detection with: ./scripts/update_suite.rb -i.
  • Run incremental tests using CFG change detection with: ./scripts/update_suite.rb -c.


An incremental test case consists of three files with the same file name: the .c file with the initial program, a .json file for the initial configuration and a .patch file with the changes for the incremental run. Asserts and expected results are encoded in the program as for other regression tests.

The patch file can contain changes to multiple files. This allows for modifications of code, asserts or expected results in the program file as well as refinements in the configuration for the incremental run. A suitable patch can be created with:

git diff --no-prefix relative/path/to/test.c relative/path/to/test.json > relative/path/to/test.patch

The comparison input and the metadata in the patch headers are not necessary and can be removed.

Unit tests


The unit tests can be run with dune runtest tests/unit. Use --watch for automatic rebuilding and retesting.

Domain tests

Property-based testing (a la QuickCheck) is used to test some domains (Lattice.S implementations) for their lattice properties. On integer domains the integer operations are also tested for being a valid abstraction of sets of integers.


Domain tests are now run as part of unit tests.


To test a domain, you need to do the following:

  1. Implement arbitrary (reasonably).
  2. Add the domain to Maindomaintest.


The bisect_ppx tool is used to produce code coverage reports for Goblint. The code coverage reports are available on Coveralls.

To run bisect_ppx locally:

  1. Install bisect_ppx with opam install bisect_ppx.
  2. Run make coverage to build Goblint with bisect_ppx instrumentation.
  3. Run tests with coverage: dune runtest --instrument-with bisect_ppx (this will now generate .coverage files in various directories).
  4. Generate coverage report with bisect-ppx-report html.
  5. After that the generated .coverage files can be removed with find . -type f -name '*.coverage' -delete.
  6. The HTML report can be found in the _coverage folder.